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Rundown Guide for July 13, 2011

Fredric Hall

Incubus frontman Brandon Boyd

With a new album from Incubus and Theory of a Deadman, this week is shaping up nicely

As most of us are still digesting the barbecue we had over the 4th, here’s something to keep your mind occupied while the pork and potato salad is slowly mixing with the acid in your stomach (how’s that for imagery, huh?).

Incubus – ”If Not Now, When?” [Epic]

By now, you’ve heard Incubus’s single “Adolescents” so much that it actually changed your DNA. The driving, pulsating bass, the bombastic vocal, the loud, grandiose guitar work — the single is a testament to modern rock. Funny thing is, the rest of the album is way more subdued. Songs like “Friends and Lovers” are in tune with the sound of the rest of the album, with a laid back, almost hypnotic feel to it. 

Theory of a Deadman – ”The Truth Is…”  [Roadrunner]

The truth is…this album ain’t nothing like Incubus. At all. Whereas Incubus is the gentle mother cooing you to beddy time, Theory of a Deadman is the drunk dad crashing through the front door with a pint of Jack, stumbling about, knocking over chairs as he bitches about how his boss is a total prick. Ex-girlfriends (“Bitch Came Back”, “The Truth Is..”) and deadbeat boyfriends are prime targets for the band’s armada of guitars and drums. If that’s not enough, there is a special edition with six extra tracks.

Megadeth – ”Peace Sells…But Who’s Buying” [Capitol Records]

Now we’re going to take a gander at Megadeth because I can.  This year marks the 25th anniversary of Dave Mustaine and company’s  metal classic, ”Peace Sells…But Who’s Buying.” For those of you who were too young to remember, Megadeth is headed by singer/guitarist Dave Mustaine, who was the guitarist for this little no-named band called Metallica (wondered what ever happened to them.) After getting kicked out, Dave went on and formed Megadeth, eventually earning the spot among the “Big Four” in metal along with Metallica, Anthrax and Slayer. Wonder how? Pick up the album and check out its remastered tracks and live cuts and find out.

Willie Evans Jr. – ”Introducin’” [High Water Music]

So far, throughout my career here at Collegenews.com, I’ve managed to avoid using the word “eargasm.”  I don’t like it. Whenever I heard the word, I’m raped with images of…well…let’s just say it involves ears, seminal fluids and leave it at that. Anyway, there is a dude named Willie Evans Jr., and his album ”Introducin’” might be the closest I will ever come to saying that word. Thing is, I was only able to get one song, “Fisbawdup” which you can find here. But from that one track, I’m already hankering for more.

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