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Save Money With Your Student ID

Jamie Ballard

Find student discounts for everything from tech to entertainment

Many businesses offer student discounts or deals. If you’re smart about using them, you could end up saving hundreds of dollars during the course of the year. So whip out that student ID – it’s time to get saving.

For everything:

Amazon Student is one of the biggest saves for students. The first six months are totally free (with a .edu email address) and include free two-day shipping and a number of special promotions. Once your free trial is done, you can get an Amazon Prime membership for 50 percent off. Given that Amazon can be used for buying everything from toilet paper to textbooks, it’s definitely worth looking into.

For tech:

Apple, Microsoft, Dell, Lenovo and Adobe all offer some form of a student discount for their products. You can ask about it in-store, but you may also want to try looking at your university bookstore. Sometimes the discount is built into the bookstore pricing (A $300 dollar device is only $275 at your bookstore, for example).

For fashion:

A surprising number of retailers such as Banana Republic, Modcloth, Madewell, and H&M offer student discounts at several of their locations. Many of them don’t advertise the discount, so it’s worth it to bring your ID with you and ask at the register.

For entertainment:

Both Cinemark and AMC Theatres offer student discounts on certain days of the week, or for certain showings (The AMC theatre near me held a free screening of the latest Hunger Games movie for members of Greek life, for example). Additionally, many museums, galleries, and local performance venues also offer discounted admission for students.

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