Esquire Magazine has crowned the actress for the second time
It’s that time of year again where Esquire Magazine scours the Earth for the one individual who is a top -notch hottie. This person has to be the girl every guy wants to sleep with and every girl wants to be. This person has to ooze sexual attractiveness from their flawless pores. Picking the “Sexiest Woman Alive” is serious business unless you are into necrophilia, of course. Disturbing fetishes aside, Esquire has picked a winner. This year, Esquire Magazine has picked…drum roll please….Scarlett Johansson…again.
First named “Sexiest Woman Alive” in 2006, the buxom blonde has grown older, wiser and sexier, reclaiming the title once again. This makes her the first woman to win the title twice. Unfortunately for lustful men (and women) everywhere, the 28-year-old actress is off the market, currently being engaged to french journalist Romain Dauriac.
In reference to her current relationship, Scarlett Johannson explained that she preferred jealousy over none at all. “I’m with a Frenchman. I think jealousy comes with the territory,” she added. “But I’d rather be with someone who is a little jealous than someone who’s never jealous. There’s something a little dead fish about them. A little depressing.”
Johannsen even took a subliminal dig at her previous husband, actor Ryan Reynolds when she said, “ I didn’t think I was a jealous person, until I started dating my current, my one-and-only,” she added. “I think maybe in the past I didn’t have the same kind of investment. Not that I liked my partner less, I just wasn’t capable of caring that much.”
At 28, Johannsen realizes that her roles will be dwindled down as she goes up in age. “You know, I gotta hustle. I’m a 28-year-old woman in the movie business right? Pretty soon the roles you are offered all become mothers. Then they just sort of stop. I have to hedge against that with work-theater, producing, this thing with Esquire.”
The fall issue for Esquire, featuring Scarlett Johannsen as the cover star, will be sexing up newsstands on Oct. 15.
Some people may think that Esquire’s latest pick is yawn-worthy, while others can’t wait to add this magazine cover to their creepy Scarlett Johannsen shrine. Do you think Scarlett Johannsen was rightfully crowned as “Sexiest Woman Alive”?