And broke her nose
Victoria Secret’s model Selita Ebanks broke Telemundo model Liza Irizzary’s nose, when Irizzary greeted Ebanks’ boyfriend, Terrence J, a warm kiss on the cheek in a Miami nightclub last year.
Irizarry said she was heading inside the Dream nightclub in Miami last November, when she came across and exiting Terrence J. She greeted him with a kiss on the cheek and a drunken Ebanks saw it differently.
“When she saw me, she said, ‘Don’t be kissing my man.’ I said to myself, ‘So what, that’s my friend.’ That’s when she hit me on the nose. I went to swing back—that’s when all her friends jumped in I felt hair pulling and fists coming at me,” recalled Irizarry of the Miami brawl.
A male friend broke the two up. Irizarry was bleeding and went to the washroom to clean her self up. The next morning she woke up with a broken nose.
“I was in so much pain…My pillow was covered in blood,” Irizarry tells the Daily News.
When she returned to New York and saw a doctor. The doctor told her she had a complex nasal fracture and nasal obstruction that required surgery.
Irizarry plans to file an assault and battery charge against Ebanks in Hudson County Superior Court. Despite having filed a police report and sending over her medical records, Miami Police haven’t arrested or charged Ebanks.
“I’m so angry, because she thinks she can get away with anything…You shouldn’t be allowed to put your hands on anyone for no reason. Me saying hello to someone doesn’t give you the right to hit me,” said Izizarry.
The suit is seeking cash for pain, suffering and medical bills. Edward Steinberg, Irizarry’s lawyer, commented on the suit, “We hope that with an action like this, Miss Ebanks will no longer attack or assault anyone…We think this is a very simple case of assault and battery by a woman, who maybe used her status and stature to feel like she could get away with something.”
Paul Rothenberg, Ebank’s lawyer commented on the suit “is nine months old and completely without merit.” Adding that his client says “the claims are baseless.”