Save on how you strut your stuff
Ok, I’m sure that we can all relate to having more shoes that our closets allow, especially in those pesky timey dorms. However, no matter how many red pumps, silver flats and white gym shoes we have acquired, there is always the need for yet another pair. –Or eleven more just in case- Well, okay it is probably not the best advice to be giving young women who are away from home for the first time. So, instead of rationalizing the unnecessary procurement of an innumerable amount of footwear, how about we go about this in a more rational and logical manor. In order to save money during these college days, you are going to need a few tips from a shoe wiz such as myself. First off, it is important to shop for quality rather than quantity. While you’re young, the deals in the mall windows that advertise for two pairs of heals at a mere $15 seem too good to be true. And let’s face it ladies, it truly is. Although you may be able to look stylish for a couple of weeks, always wearing different heals, or showing up to parties in pumps that match your hair ties, cheaper shoes are the easiest to wear down. Instead, buy a couple of basic colors so that you are able to wear them with multiple outfits, all the while keeping high quality footwear. Secondly, try to avoid using your shoes on an everyday basis. Not only will your constant movement stretch out the material, but that foot odor may just scare off all of the eligible medical students –I mean men- that may want to caress your toes at the end of the night. If you are really looking for ways to keep your shoes in tip top shape, during their downtime, don’t hesitate on placing place holders within. They can be found in store and online for around $10 and will provide a longevity that you may not otherwise have. The last tip that you are going to be left with today is one that most young people scoff at. We’ll let them laugh now as we accept the last laugh later! Shopping at the end of a season is always a money saver. Society may have the youth believing that you must get the newest brands, within the quickest time and more frequently than the rest, but I’m going to teach you better. Since, at this age, your feet won’t typically be growing anymore; it is easy to know the size of your footwear. At the EOS sales, even the most extravagant of stores will have markdowns of up to 90%. You might not all be math majors, but this is something that we learned in school. Hopefully you have gotten some useful information about conscientious shoe shopping as you read this article. And remember to be smart on how you shop for your strut.