The CNN anchor was seen reading a liberal website during an interview with Romney campaign adviser
Soledad O’Brien was recently spotted looking at an article on a liberal website while debating Barbara Comstock, senior adviser for the Romney campaign.
Soledad O’Brien, who was filling in for Anderson Cooper, was seen reading a piece titled The Myth of Paul Ryan the Bipartisan Leader on the liberal website Talking Points Memo. Screen shots posted to Newsbusters.org show Soledad O’Brien… reading.
According to an article from FoxNews.com, titled Cameras catch CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien reading liberal blog during debate with Romney adviser, “While she does not directly cite the blog, she does read a quote from Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Or.) to Comstock that appears verbatim in the piece during the program.”
Soledad O’Brien also engaged in a heated debate with Romney supporter John Sununu on Tuesday’s Starting Point regarding Medicare and Paul Ryan.
Sununu, the former New Hampshire governor, appeared on the program to discuss the differences between vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s controversial budget plan and Romney’s own plan. To O’Brien, the plans seem very similar.
“Isn’t the Ryan plan the Romney plan?” O’Brien asked. “No, it isn’t,” Sununu responded.
Soledad O’Brien then quoted Romney as saying it would be “marvelous” if the Senate approved Ryan’s plan. “That sounds like a lot of support. Am I wrong?” O’Brien asked, to which Sununu responded that Romney has his own plan.
Sununu said that Romney’s plan would not “gut” Medicare by $717 billion as Obama’s and Ryan’s had. O’Brien stated that this claim was a “Republican talking point” whose figures have already been “debunked.”
“No, they haven’t,” Sununu replied.
“Yes they have!” O’Brien responded, adding that the President’s plan cuts “the expected rate of growth” in Medicare, not the program itself.
“Soledad, stop this!” Sununu said. “All you’re doing is mimicking the stuff that comes out of the White House and gets repeated on the Democratic blog boards out there. If you’re going to mouth what comes out of the White House…”
“I’m telling you what FactCheck.com tells you,” O’Brien interrupted. “I’m telling you what the CBO and CNN’s independent analysis does.”
“Put [an] Obama bumper sticker on your forehead when you do this,” Sununu shouted.
Soledad O’Brien eventually quieted Sununu, “There’s independent analysis, [FactCheck.com,] the CBO and CNN has already done its own independent analysis, and name calling to me and somehow acting as if by repeating a number of $716 billion that you can make that stick when that figure is being stolen from Medicare, that’s not true. You can’t just repeat it and make it true, sir.”