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Special Forces soldier and surgeon Timothy Jorden turned murderer

Lexi Elias

Jorden shot and killed ex-girlfriend Jacqueline Wisniewski


Jacqueline Wisniewski, 33, was found dead in the stairwell at Erie County Medical Center Wednesday morning after being shot multiple times in the head and chest by ex-boyfriend Dr. Timothy Jorden. According to Fox News, Jorden’s body was found Friday morning after days of searching for the Special Forces soldier-turned-trauma surgeon that killed his ex-girlfriend. According to Buffalo Police Department chief of detectives Dennis Richards, Jorden died from self-inflicted gunshot wounds. His body was found close to his home near Lake Erie. 

“It’s terrible,” said Tom Wrzosek, a neighbor. “It’s a tragic situation. Nobody wins in a situation like this.”

Jacqueline Wisniewski was mother of her young son and was training to be a nurse. In recent months, Jorden’s colleagues at Erie Country Medical Center stated that he had been acting strange and lost about 75 pounds. 

Jacqueline Wisniewski has been living in fear as she was first in an abusive relationship with Jorden. Further, Jorden began stalking her after she ended the relationship. According to WIVB-TV, a close friend stated that Jorden had installed a GPS tracking device in her car and once helped her captive in her home for about two days, wielding a knife.

According to the Buffalo News, Jacqueline Wisniewski’s friend Heather Shipley stated that Wisniewski knew she be in fear for her life. 

“He threatened to kill her a couple of times,” Shipley added. “But I think in her mind she wouldn’t believe it would actually happen.”

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