Cases show that marijuana is toxic within a canine’s system
Don’t get your dog stoned.
In Colorado, where marijuana has become legal primarily for medicinal purposes, veterinarians have seen more than a handful of cases where canines have been exposed to marijuana, some even resulting in doggy deaths.
According to vets, marijuana is toxic in a dog’s system. The drug hinders canine’s fine motor control. The four-legged pets have a wide-based stance and are not sure on their feet after ingesting the substance.
Vets say that most of the cases they have seen are due to owners leaving medical marijuana edibles out in the open where their pets can easily ingest them. Marijuana edible cookies, brownies and other THC-laced foods have been the main culprits in getting dogs a trip to the veterinarian’s office.
“I just want dogs, kids to be safe. It needs to be treated like any other drug. If you came home with a prescription of Vicodin from your doctor you wouldn’t just leave it sitting there,” veterinarian Stacy Meola told local radio station WTSP, a CBS affiliate.
While some pet owners might think it is funny to get their dogs stoned, they are in for a rude awakening since elevated THC levels could prove fatal for some canines.
Dr. Meola has seen two deaths result from marijuana ingestion, and although not all dogs have the same fatal reaction to the drug, dogs might still be subjected to painful symptoms, including vomiting and even comas.