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Study suggests link between in-dorm cafeterias and weight gain

Janelle Vreeland

Students who have in-dorm cafeterias eat and weigh more, study says

Those of you hoping to avoid the ‘freshman 15’ would do well to pay attention to a new study by the Journal of Adolescent Health. Bloomberg Businessweek <a href=”http://www.businessweek.com/lifestyle/content/healthday/641528.html” title=”reports “>reports </a>that the new study links in-dorm cafeterias to student weight gain. The study examined 388 students living in seven different dorms, and although all students had access to two well-equipped campus gyms, four of the dorms were also equipped with in-house cafeterias that serve three meals a day.

Of the students participating, the study found that, on average, women living in dorms with in-house cafeterias weighed more and exercised less than those who had to walk farther to a cafeteria. The study also found that men living in dorms with in-house cafeterias ate more — in terms of meals and snacks — than those who didn’t have access to in-dorm food services.

In addition, although living close to a gym increased how frequently women exercised, the study not see a link between a dorm’s distance from a gym and weight gain.

Read more about the study <a href=”http://www.businessweek.com/lifestyle/content/healthday/641528.html” title=”here”>here</a>.

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