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Careers, Interview Tips

Which Big Tech Companies Have the Toughest Interview Process?

Editorial Staff

Which Big Tech Companies Have the Toughest Interview Process?

Few industries offer more benefits, greater perks, higher compensation, and better job
security than Big Tech.

But landing a job in tech is notoriously difficult. Those lucky enough to secure an interview
face complex technical questions, and acceptance rates are lower than those of the most
selective Ivy League schools.

But how do Big Tech companies compare in the eyes of interviewees? Does Google hold
easier job interviews than Apple?

Resume.io analyzed over 100,000 interview reviews across 14 tech giants to shed light on
the differences.

Methodology Behind Study

This study explores the quality of the interview experience and interview difficulty at some of
the largest technology companies. They focused on 13 Tech Giants: Alphabet, Amazon,
Apple, Meta, Microsoft, IBM, Tesla, Oracle, Netflix, Nvidia, Salesforce, Adobe, Intel and

They analyzed the Glassdoor “interviews” page for each Tech Giant, focusing on 2024
interview reviews from United States applicants.
They recorded:

  • The Interview “Difficulty” Ratings = Easy, Average or Difficult
  • The Interview “Experience” ratings = Negative, Neutral or Positive

In order to calculate the Tech Giants where U.S. interviewees had the hardest/easiest and
best/worst experiences in 2024, they converted the ratings to a scoring system and calculated
an average out of 5 for both metrics.

We repeated this process for all roles with at least 10 reviews for each Tech Giant to
calculate the hardest/easiest and best/worst role to interview for at each company. This
includes data across all years and applicants worldwide.


This data analysis was conducted in April 2024.

SEE ALSO: What Are the Most Competitive Companies to Apply for in 2024?

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