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The Dark Knight Rises this Friday

Lexi Elias

Christian Bale comes back at Batman

Princess Diaries star transitions to play Catwoman

The anticipation of The Dark Knight Rises has been on the rise since audiences around the world were entertained with Batman and the Joker in The Dark Knight. Theaters everywhere are hoping for the same response to The Dark Knight Rises that comes out to theaters Friday, July 20, than they got with The Dark Knight as it was the highest-grossing film worldwide in 2008.

Although with The Dark Knight Rises, audiences everywhere will be reminded and saddened by the fact that Heath Ledger, and the Joker, are gone. One key character that The Dark Knight Rises has that The Dark Knight did not is Catwomen. Played by Princess Diaries star, Anne Hathaway, Catwoman brings a dark, sexy character to the movie. When Hathaway first met The Dark Knight Rises director, Christopher Nolan, to discuss the role in one of his new films, Hathaway had no idea, which character, or even which film, they were meeting about.

“It was very vague. I was so nervous. He told me about halfway through that the part was going to be Catwoman. When he told me what it was, I immediately had to shift into my slinkiest mode, ever so subtly,” said Hathaway.

After Hathaway screen-tested, Nolan auditioned a group of other girls for the part, and about four months later, Hathaway was shocked to find out that she got the part. “It’s like winning lottery after lottery after lottery,” said Hathaway.

In order to play Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises, Hathaway had to complete four months of dance, martial arts and stunt training. The actress not only had to learn how to fight, but she had to do it in style wearing heels.

Aside from Anne Hathaway as Catwomen, audiences everywhere are also thrilled to see Christian Bale back with his Batman mask on. Although the city of Gothem still believes that their once adored Batman is responsible for the death of Harvey Dent, Batman finds himself having to suit back up for the better of the city.

 “It feels correct,” said Christian Bale in a conference room at the Beverly Hilton. “It feels as if we’ve achieved a beginning, a middle and an end. You should leave while you’re still confident in the storytelling. There’s always the danger that you stretch it too far and you end up weakening your own creation. So this seems like a good time to say goodbye.”

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