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Tim McGraw to Executive Produce and Star in New Crime Drama "Robbers"

Adrianna Velazquez

Country superstar Tim McGraw is returning to the screen in TNT’s new crime drama “Robbers.”

Country legend Tim McGraw is extending his TV catalog to include a new crime drama for TNT. According to Deadline, McGraw will executive produce the new series, Robbers, based on Christopher Cook’s 2000 debut novel. McGraw will sit with the rest of the production team which will include Sarah Timberman, Carl Beverly and Michael Dinner.

Deadline describes the series as being, “the literary-noir tradition of Cormac McCarthy’s No Country For Old Men, Robbers tells the story of a cop, two ‘running buddies’ on a crime spree across Texas, and the girl who becomes the complication in a very unique love triangle. Everyone has a story. Everyone is a mystery. McGraw would play one of the two drifters, Ray Bob, described as being worst of the worst.”

This isn’t the first time McGraw has been approached to produce a series. He was previously contacted for TNT’s “The Last Ship” and Fox’s “Wild Blue” before accepting the role for Robbers.

According to McGraw, whose film credits include Friday Night Lights and The Blind Side, time is of the essence when it comes to choosing which projects to take on.
“I get a lot [of scripts]; it’s just finding the right thing for the right time,” McGraw previously explained to Rolling Stone.

Although Robbers remains in the production stages still, McGraw will make his next big screen appearance when Tomorrowland, where he will star alongside George Clooney, hits theatres on May 22.

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