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It’s Time to Graduate… From the Sploof!

Editorial Staff

It's Time to Graduate… From the Sploof!

We’ve all been there, trying to enjoy your JUUL or a little weed and all of a sudden people start side-eyeing you. Back in the day we made toilet paper rolls stuffed with dryer sheets and hid in bathrooms to avoid this awkward situation, but luckily advancements in technology have allowed us to move past the Dark Ages. Enter Philter Labs: the smallest, sleekest and most sophisticated personal air filtration device on the market. At just 4” tall this pocket-sized device has a big impact on vaping and cannabis communities alike.

So, how does it work? Simply inhale your smoke or vapor into your lungs, and exhale into our PHILTER. Our patented Zero-5 technology filters your exhale eliminating secondhand smoke and smell. Whether you’re ripping a bong or a JUUL, our PHILTER works with it all including but not limited to CBD, THC and nicotine. This may seem like magic–and though we consider our CTO Jonathan Grimm a wizard–it is simply an epic product product backed by science and extensive lab testing.

Here are the products we currently offer

is a stand-alone, slim, handheld filter that can be used in combination with your favorite vaporizer or smoking accessory. Simply exhale your vapor or smoke into the mouthpiece to reduce emissions and keep the air around you smoke-free.

PHILTER PHLIP is the 1st accessory that transforms your vaporizer into a filtering solution. Simply insert your favorite pen or stick vape into one side of the sleeve and the PHILTER POCKET into the opposite side. Then, after you inhale from your vape, ‘flip’ the sleeve to exhale your vapor into the POCKET filter for reduced emissions and odors.

Sure, we aren’t the first one to bring a sploof-like product to market, but do you really want to carry around a GRENADE-shaped smoke filter with you? Good luck going through security at the airport with that ugly contraption. YIKES! In contrast, our PHILTER is only 4” tall with a modern, sleek design and STILL lasts as long as our competitors. Our wide variety of colors also allows you to mix and match to your mood- PHILTER your smoke, not your personality!

So do yourself a favor: avoid the judgy looks from neighbors and ugly products from competitors and buy yourself a PHILTER. Because you’re an adult and you should be able to smoke when and where you want with dignity.

Find out more at https://philterlabs.com

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