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The Top 4 Foods High in Vitamins

Maria Mellor

foods high in vitamins

Make sure you’re eating foods high in vitamins in order to get the nutrients you need without buying expensive supplements.

As a student, it can be so easy to stick to eating the same foods everyday. You know what you like, you know how to make it, so why not? Unfortunately, eating just instant noodles and pizza may cause nutrient deficiencies. You need to make sure you’re getting the nutrients you need in your diet to keep yourself healthy.

The problem is, there are so many different vitamins and minerals all doing different things for your body. It can be hard to keep track on what you need to eat, and buying vitamin supplements isn’t always the cheapest option.

While you should be eating a wide variety of foods high in vitamins in order to receive the nutrition you need. Here are four things you can include in your diet to easily get a wide range of nutrients.

Dark leafy greens

Leafy greens like spinach and kale provide you with lots of different vitamins with very little hassle. These can contain vitamin K, vitamin A, iron, calcium, folate, magnesium and omega 3. These nutrients support healthy eyesight, strong bones and brain health among other things. Include leafy greens in a side salad or whizz them up in a smoothie in order to get this range of essential nutrients.


It’s no secret that oily fish like tuna and salmon are great for getting your recommended dose of omega 3. This fatty acid is vital for brain and cardiovascular health, and is thought to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease later on in life. As well as omega 3, fish can contain vitamins K, D and B, iron and potassium. Fish may not be the cheapest food to buy fresh, but there are plenty of tinned and frozen products that can give you the same health benefits.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are another food group high in vitamins. Packed full of nutrients, nuts and seeds make a great snack for eating on the go. Most of them have high levels of B vitamins such as selenium and niacin, and can also help you get omega 3. Peanuts and cashews are great contenders in nutrition, and almonds famously contain high levels of vitamin E. Sunflower seeds have high levels of  vitamin E for immunity and healthy clotting, and B vitamins support a healthy metabolism and prevent anemia.


There’s no denying it: the easiest way to increase your levels of vitamin C is to eat fruit. The good news is that all fruits and a lot of vegetables contain good levels of vitamin C. Pineapples, oranges and strawberries are all high in vitamin C, as well as bell peppers, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Vitamin C helps to keep skin, bones and cells healthy. Scurvy—a disease caused by lack of vitamin C—isn’t just for pirates. Up to eight percent of the population could have scurvy in the present day.

Further reading: Get More Greens in Your Diet

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