Authorities believe James Oliver Seevakumaran committed suicide after his plan for a school shooting fell through.
A potential school shooter shot and killed himself after authorities ruined his plan of getting a little liquid courage to then commit murder. Authorities say the University of Central Florida could have been next on the list of school shootings.
In the dormitory apartment of 30-year-old James Oliver Seevakumaran, authorities discovered plans to go to a bar near campus, pull the fire alarm, and “give them hell”. But a 911 call from James Seevakumaran’s roommate led authorities to interfere with the students plan. The roommate told authorities that James Seevakumaran had a gun and had held it while staring him down after leaving the apartment to pull the fire alarm, according to nbcnews.com.
Authorities also found several explosive devices that belonged to the gunman. They believe James Seevakumaran had intended to fire at students as they attempted to exit the dormitory. Instead, he turned the gun on himself and committed suicide before campus police arrived.
His roommate, Arabo “BK” Babkhani, described him as an anti-social loner who didn’t seem violent. He said James Seevakumaran had never really looked him in the eye until the day of the shooting.
During the incident, James Seevakumaran’s had received two “22-round” magazines, a rifle sling, and a firearms training DVD in his campus mailbox, according to chron.com.
James Seevakumaran was a business major at the University of Central Florida. He is reported to have been dealing with financial issues, including not paying off his tuition and housing bill for the spring semester, according to nbcnews.com.
At a news conference, Police Chief Richard Berry confirmed that the student had homemade explosives, two guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition in his possession and had planned a much wide attack. The chief said they have yet to find a motive.