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Wanted: Interns and Contributors for College News

Editorial Staff

Apply to be an intern for College News!

Looking to break into the world of web and print writing? Looking to get your name out there through real bylines? Look no further than College News!

College News is a quarterly publication and a daily-updated national website written for and by college students, college graduates and young adults. With a readership of almost one million students, the beats covered on the site and in the magazine range from sex and dating, to entertainment, college-related events, as well as U.S. and international news.

We are continuously seeking new writers in the form of regular freelancers who work from home and contribute a few articles a week. The experience and clips that you would gain could prove priceless to anyone seriously looking to enter the world of writing.

Additionally, we have limited space for several editorial interns who will work part-time from our Chicago office. Interns will also be able to regularly contribute articles to the website. We will reimburse interns for transportation expenses.

Interested interning for us? Send a resume, two writing samples and two story ideas to editor@collegenews.com. Thanks for your interest!

Click here to view the digital version of the latest College News Magazine

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