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We reviewed the Smokebuddy personal air filter

Editorial Staff

We reviewed the Smokebuddy personal air filter

This might be the most effective smoke filter I’ve ever used

Every smoker has been faced with the dilemma of trying to mask the smell of smoke,  this is why we reviewed the Smokebuddy personal air filter. There are plenty of myths that surround methods on masking smoke. From dryer sheets to blowing into vacuums, all of these different ways to mask smoke almost guarantee that smoke will escape and the plan to eliminate the smoke will be foiled. However, Smokebuddy is the most effective personal air filter that I have ever tried.

If we start from the beginning of the company, The Smokebuddy was founded in 2008 and is located in Southern California. Smokebuddy has been developing personal air filters to help reduce pollutants and is quickly making waves in the smoker’s community.

The Smokebuddy is small enough to fit nicely in a purse or a coat pocket and is inconspicuous enough for people who see the handy device to not know what it is being used for. Similar to the size of a tennis ball, Smokebuddy is convenient in the sense that it doesn’t have a lot of parts that can be lost or that need to be constantly replaced. The only extra part that you need for your Smokebuddy is the travel cap that helps keep the mouthpiece clean.

The Smokebuddy comes in 3 different sizes: Smokebuddy Original, Smokebuddy Junior and Smokebuddy MEGA. For this review I used Smokebuddy Original. This was a nice medium size to fit nicely in my purse, but still be big enough to mask a fairly large amount of smoke.  I took a fairly large puff and put my mouth over the mouthpiece and exhaled. To my surprise, Smokebuddy completely filtered the smoke. No smell and no smoke clouds escaped. I did this around 7 times and there was barely any smoke except the burning tobacco in the pipe which I covered to extinguish. This personal air filter truly works!

After doing further research I found that Smokebuddy is equipped with charcoal carbon filters that trap the pollutant molecule into the pore structure and essentially grabbing the odor molecule before it escapes out of the other side. It is for this reason that the smoke is completely eliminated upon exhaling into Smokebuddy.

If you are a smoker who wants to indulge discreetly then you should definitely grab yourself a Smokebuddy, you can also save people from the perils of secondhand smoke and odor if you buy this nifty product. With the purchase of Smokebuddy you will also receive a really cute LED light keychain. Purchase yourself a Smokebuddy by visiting the website. www.smokebuddy.com use the discount code collage for a 20% discount on anything in the store. 

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