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Welcome Back Kotter star dies

Jalesa Hall

Hegyes is in the middle.

Robert Hegyes, known for his role on Welcome Back Kotter passed away On Thursday.

“Welcome Back Kotter” start Robert Hegyes passed away at the age of 60.
According to Reuters, Hegyes was in cardiac arrest when Hegyes was taken to John F. Kennedy Medical Center in New Jersey.

Hegyes played Juan Luis Pedro Felipo de Huevos Epstein, a Jewish Puerto Rican student on the sitcom.

The 1975 sitcom features a “compassionate teacher returns to his inner city high school of his youth to teach a new generation of trouble making kids,” according to IMDB.com

The show also featured celebrities like Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs and John Travolta.

He is survived by two children, Cassie and Mack and two step-children Sophia and Alex.

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