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Workaholics is Back and Hasn’t Changed – Thank God!

Reka Forgach

Workaholics on and off set

The third season of Workaholics gives us everything we have come to love

Workaholics is Comedy Central’s stupidly goofy show about three cringeworthingly awkward guys working reg’lar white collar jobs for a witch.  And it’s back for a third season! The description may sound like a bunch of other filler TV shows, but despite rumors of being taken off air, Workaholics has made indeed pulled it together for at least another 10+ episodes.

Workaholics is written by its three main characters, Blake Anderson, Adam DeVine and Anders Holm, who play themselves on set so fully that they didn’t bother making up new names for their characters. The main attraction of the series is its appeal to recent college graduates still goofing off hard in the off hours.  Presumably in order to illustrate this point fully, while off set Blake Anderson himself jumped off a roof and onto a ping pong table at a party.  These guys are nothing if not dedicated.

Early reviews for the third season are definitely positive, with more time and jokes given to supporting Workaholics actors, most notably recently deceased Jessie “Jet Set” Hudson. Writer and actor DeVine commented enthusiastically, “We love to just cut him loose,” said DeVine. “Everything that comes out of his mouth is comedy gold.”

Still not convinced because you hate office dramas like, well, The Office?  Let’s put it this way, Workaholics could be located anywhere – on a farm, in a bar, in any of the countless cliché sitcom locations.  The show is less about the drones and robots of a workplace atmosphere and much more about three bros just broin’ like they bro.  Give it a looksie.  If you’re in the twilight years of college life or at the dawn of a career as a young professional (or on screen awkwardness and facepalm moments thrill you) you’ll be hooked. Adios.

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